Working From Home: Tips and Tricks

Was working from home something you used to  look forward to  on the occasional Friday, but now  it has turned into an everyday re-occurrence?


The work world has shifted quite a bit over the past month states  even  issuing  a mandatory  order to  work from home. We are here to give you some tips and tricks on how to seamlessly transition into a work from home atmosphere. Or as a lot of people refer to it as, WFH. We have tested out many of these tips and tricks as a lot of our employees worked from home quite often before it was mandatory. 

We  split WFH into  three parts, Your Office Space, Your Co-workers, and Your Routine.  

Your Office Space (Part 1 of 3)

  • Creating an at home office space can be tricky, in an ideal world everyone would have an extra room in their house with a desk and a personal library. But that is just not reality. Try to get creative, is there an old playroom that isn’t used anymore or an extra nook in the upstairs hallway? Ideally, this office space would not be in your bedroom. It is too easy to carry the stress of the workday to bed if you are working and sleeping in the same room.   
  • If possible, in a room with a door you can shut, but only shut the door if you feel you really need to focus or are getting on a call. WFH can feel very lonely when the rest of your family is on the other side of a closed door.  
  • If you must work in a common area, like the kitchen table, clear one end off for your workspace every morning, don’t let the placemats, yesterday’s mail, the kids’ schoolwork, or the cat encroach into your workspace.

We hope these tips on how to make your office space the most productive helped. Be on the lookout for two more work from home blog posts touching on co-workers and your routine. Comment below with any tips you have on how you’re adjusting to your new WFH workspace. 

About Empowering Systems, Inc.

Empowering Systems Inc., headquartered in Southborough, Massachusetts, empowers manufacturers and representatives with customer relationship management solutions.


Carroll Boysen
Empowering Systems, Inc.
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